
Hello Madison 52 readers! We are nearly three months into 2019 and the first day of spring is a week away. How are your New Year’s resolutions going?  If you started the year with intentions of bettering your health in any manner, check out how Unfurl in Madison can support you as you crush those…

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Raising STRONG Boot Camps

    What products and services do you offer? Raising STRONG Boot Camps provides training for people of all ages teaching them to be strong in body, mind and spirit. We are focused on growing STRONG kids in a tough world. Our Girl, Kids or Family Boot Camp programming offer boot camp style workouts (that…

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Karla Marie Coaching

  I’m excited to introduce you to Karla Marie! Her Madison 52 interview is perfectly timed, given that we are in the beginning of a new year. A new year with so many opportunities to work on projects, practices, and other personal or professional topics. Karla gently supports her clients in their journey towards their…

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AnShen Holistic Veterinary Care

Jody Bearman, began her journey as a veterinarian 26 years ago. Since then, her veterinary path has included studies in conventional medicine, Chinese medicine, homeopathy and animal chiropractic care. During my conversation with Jody, it was clear she is driven by a passion for finding the root of health problems in our beloved animal companions…

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Total Awards & Promotions

When I entered the showroom at Total Awards & Promotions, a family owned and operated business on Madison’s west side, I was immediately struck by the shiny trophies, unique art sculpture awards, distinguished-looking plaques, a wall display of fun promotional items and the tall gold ‘actor’ statue. I was given the back-room tour, which reveled…

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DNA Hunters

    Updated 10/25/2020 DNA Hunters now offers DNA Hunters Society—a membership for genealogists who want to use DNA to achieve their family research goals. The Society provides both DNA education and community. Society members learn how to combine DNA with genealogy for family research to solve family mysteries and break through brick walls in…

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T&T Pet Care Services

I’m excited to introduce small business owner, Tracey Lynn Hasz, owner of T&T Pet Care Services! Tracey and her husband, Tom, open their home and hearts to your pet. Madison is a wonderful city for pets and pet owners, with its numerous dog parks and pet-focused activities (watch for a future post regarding this). If…

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